




Muslims Killed Dracula

So the Ottoman empire (may Allah reward them) did an amazing job in establishing islam.... however it wasn't just this many of us already know about this, we know that hey conquered Constantinople. But as sad that there is much that we don't know, for example many of us aren't aware of the time that Mohammed Al Fatih (rahimahullah) fought against Dracula!
You've heard of Dracula before? When i say Dracula you probably thinking of a vampire. You're saying hehe! You're telling me that Mohammed Al Fatih fought a vampire ? Whats next? He fought Superman ? No!
Dracula was a real man. There was a real man named Dracula (Romanian : Draculea ) and he ruled over the southern part of the country of what we call today Romania. Now Mohammed Al Fatih (rahimahullah) as he began to advance into eastern Europe, for exampe, Bosnia, Serbia, Hungary, all of these lands...
The people of Walachia of southern Romania, they wanted to fight against the Ottomans. However they were very weak and so they had to make a peace deal with him. So as part of this peace deal Sultan (rahimahullah) he said to the ruler, 'you have to send me two of your sons, and we will send him to islambul to be educated.' So he sent his two sons, one was named Vlad and one was named Radu. Now Vlad is the one who we know as Dracula because the word Dracula it means son of Dracul, which was the name of his father. 'Dracul' it mean Shaithaan, it means a devil. So he is the son of Shaithaan and this is actually quite relevant....
Its rather fitting when you hear about this man!
What happaened was they went to Constantinople... they studied about islam, and his brother actually became Muslim. So the brother of Dracula, Radu, became a Muslim ….. he memorized the Quran, he studied so much and even Dracula. Dracula studied the Quran even thought he wasn't a Muslim, he spoke Arabic, he spoke Persian, he spoke Turkish and of course Romanian and other languages and later on he was sent back to his country where as Radu remained and he bacame the ruler of his country …. because the Ottomans realized, they can't send a Muslim to rule over the country because they are Christians. They wanted to send Vlad (Dracula) so that they could get him there and then defeat him in a war and they would rule the country. However Dracula, he decided that he wasn't going to do what the Sultan wanted!
The Sultan sent him to emissaries....... to people to come speak with him and they said to him,'you must pay us the Jizyah'....
now that you are the ruler over the country, you have to pay us Jizyah'. And so Dracula … he said to them,'If you want to step inside my court, you have to take off your turban.' And so they said,'no! We won't remove it for you!
We are not going to remove it for a kaafir.' So he said,'take it off!' ,Again they refused!
So he commanded, he told someone to come with some very big nails and hammers and he said,' If they refue to remove it for me, then they never remove it again.' And he commanded that their turbans be nailed into their heads. And of course... this in effect killed them!
So this was an act of war. Dracula had decided that he wanted to go to war with the islamic state and so Mohammed Al Fatih (rahimahullah). He sent a massive army to go fight against them. But Dracula.... because of his tactics and the fact that he knew the Ottomans very well, hewas able to defeat them on some occasions. Now what he did is what really makes him stand out as being an absolute devil. Dracula.. what he did is when they would kill a person, well sometimes they wouldn't kill them, they would capture them, he did something which is called impaling. Now if you haven't heard of impaling, it's pretty gruesome thing to start to describe.
What they would do is they would get a very very big stick, they'd make it sharp at one end, they would insert it throgh your backside, pass it through your body until it comes out of your mouth. They would impale them. They would pass this through their body.
A lot of time they would be alive as well and this is how they would kill them! And then they would put this in the griunds, then impalethe next person, and put him next to him!
And the Ottoman army, when they went to go check on their troops... they found that on one of the very long roads leading to the capital of this area, they found 20.000 Muslims impaled along the sides of this roads!
Imagine this.....we suffer today! No doubt we suffer as Muslims today but things like this, you can't really compare. 20.000 of them impaled, you can imagine how Mohammad Al Fatih (rahimahullah) he feels to see even one Muslim killed is to much, but to mutilate their bodies after this. This was something whice was, you know beyond what was acceptable. And so decided to send Radu, he was the brother of Dracula. He snt him to go fight against his own brother.
And eventually Radu (rahimahullah) he was able to actually, eventually catch up his brother. This is afer he commit so many more atrocities. Even the Christians, they started to back off from him, because what happened was he.. being Romanian he was orthodox, he wasn't catholic, but he actually said to the people.. he said , 'if you give me some troops, I'll become a catholic for you'.
Anything you want, I'll change my religion for you!'.
He couldn't care, he wasn't a man of true belief. He was only a man of pragmatism on the battle field. And so even the Christians started to distace themselves from him.
However.... the Muslims the caught up with him and they faced him in battle and its unclear if the Muslims killed him or if his own people turned upon him and killed him. But either way, Dracula was killed and Ottomans, the Muslim army defeated Dracula. And so what they did was they removed his head and they took it to the city of islambul and they put it on. A very very large stick, they impaled his head and put it at the gates of Constantinople (Islambul) where it stood for about 2,3 mounts. To say,'If you want to be like this man, wage war against us.'
This was the demise of Dracula and again as Muslims most of us wouldn't even know about this. How many people know that Dracula was a real man?! And we as Muslims …. we fought him and we killed him. You know how they say garlic kills Dracula or a silver bullet through the heart or a wooden stake. None of these killed Dracula! Muslims killed Dracula!
So anyone who wants to follow the way of Dracula..... they will face the same wrath from the Muslim Ummah!

Written in Lübeck

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